The Goddess Speaks on Love and the Law of Attraction

The Goddess Speaks on Love and the Law of Attraction, You are always loved dearest one, you are always loved. Love is within every breath you take, for love is life itself. Recently, I ran a Goddess Party in Salem and while we were in our sacred circle, a woman there received the Goddess card of Self-hood. When it was her turn to speak about what this meant to her, she surprised the group in her response. With tears streaming down her face she stated emphatically, that she doesn't like this idea of Self-Hood. She doesn't want to be with herself. She is sick and tired of having to take care of her self and she wants someone else to do it for her. When the group spoke to her about what self-hood truly meant, being whole and complete unto ourselves, and that it doesn't mean we have to be alone, she seemed unwilling to acknowledge or even tolerate the idea. This beautiful and worried Goddess represents a large number of women, who are stuc...